Wednesday, May 26, 2010

A Prayer for a Special Person

This is not my normal kind of post but this is an important post. Not often do I ask favors from people. I am asking tonight. I just wanted to tell you of someone who is special to me and my wife and why.

Have you ever met someone who touched your life in an unforgettable way? I am sure there is someone in everyone's life who is that way. I have been blessed enough to have several who have been there for me or those I cared about. A few years ago, my wife had a tumor on her brain stem. Things worked out well in that situation. During my wife's recovery there was a person who was there with food and moral support for us.

A couple of years ago I wasn't working regular and I had one of my bouts with depression. I had gained quite a bit of weight and most of my clothes didn't fit anymore. I have an odd size in pants and really had no money to buy new clothes. This person found and bought me several pairs of jeans. She would not take my money for them. This is the kind of lady we are talking about. There are other instances I am not mentioning. She did these things for many people...not just me and my wife. She is someone who knows compassion. She knows Christ in a personal way as savior. I am thankful for that.

Tonight as I write this, this lady has advanced cancer and is fighting for her life. Now I know the things God can do. I have seen miracles first hand. I have even experienced a few. Tonight I am asking a favor from you. Would you join me in prayer for this lady? Just an honest simple prayer from your heart for her is all I ask. Her name is Debbie and I believe she would welcome your prayers. I thank you from my heart.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Friendships in the Computer Age

I used to email and chat quite a bit in the past. Lots of things have changed in the past few months. I went from five email accounts down to two. One for business and one for personal. I don't have all of the instant messaging stuff running all the time now. In fact, I chat very little nowadays. Self-preservation has made me make these changes. I don't email or chat with the intensity I did this time last year.

My new job has me sleeping all sorts of strange hours. This is the main reason I had to make those changes. I woke up tonight after midnight. I did my usual ritual of checking my email and my Facebook account. I actually got to speak to a friend that I had meant to speak to ages ago but never had the opportunity. Had a pleasant conversation with her and got to know her a bit better in the process. I was glad I did. My gain there. :)

After this talk, I got to thinking. There are a lot of my friends on Facebook that have added me who I do not even know. Somehow this made me pretty sad. There are people behind the names after all. They have hopes, dreams and needs that I will never ever know about unless I get to know them. Problem is I have over 1500 friends. Most of my friends added me for gaming purposes. Some of the games I have stopped playing because I don't have the time now that I am back at work. I lost touch with some of the friends I became close to. This made me sad too.
I guess that its kinda like when you have a tiny bit of mayonnaise in the bottom of the jar and a large slice of bread. You don't have enough to go around and you spread it too thin. I have spread myself too thin this past year. Again, this made me sad. Now I can't change any mistakes I have made in the past. I can, however, do something about my actions in the here and now and in the future. So this idea came to post a new status:

I was just thinking wouldn't it be cool if all my friends chose someone from their friends list. Send that person a message telling them you are thinking about them. Actually treat that a friend. :) Just a thought.

While I thought this is a status truly from my heart, it opens me up to criticism for my neglect. Be that as it may, I decided to post it anyway. It's really all about the people and friendships after all. I guess all this to say I want to be a better friend. I want the quality of my friendships to be better. Not just on life! I am not looking for romance because my wife is all I have eyes for. My heart is hers. I am not looking for a best friend. I have one of  those too. Yeah, you know who you are. :) I do want to be genuine from this day forward and be what I can be though. Less gaming and more interaction. Will I lose friends? Probably so. I will gain true friends?  Hopefully. In the end...isn't that what it's all about?

Friday, May 14, 2010

Just a few words

I am not really sure how to begin after all this time. To start with I am no longer unemployed. That's the good news. The bad news is that it is nothing like what I did before. The work is detailed and quick paced so it has been a real learning curve for me. It still is a learning process and will be for quite some time to come. I work on the night shift so I sleep during the days...kinda like Dracula. :) Since December I have been putting in anywhere from 40 to 60 hours a week. That is starting to settle down a bit which is a good thing. I only start with that bit of news to get it out of the way so that I can talk about what I really want to say...that is...if anyone is still listening. No matter though, it's a cleansing process to my soul just to be able to talk about it.

When I left here last year, I was starting to get very discouraged. I threw myself into a lot of other things and a lot of situations that I wish I had not. Not going to elaborate about them but I got distracted from blogging, from my family and from my faith. Made a lot of bad decisions and mislead a lot of people. It has taken me a while to get my head together enough to even bring myself to talk about any of this. Like I said, I am not going to elaborate other than to say I spent a lot of time on social networking sites wasting my time and other people's time. I should have stayed out in the yard with my roses or something. I will say I that I am sorry for a lot of the things that I did. Again, this brings me to the final part of this post.

I want to apologize. I want to apologize to the ones that read this on a regular basis for my absence. I apologize to my family for not being the father and husband I should have been. There was no lack of selfishness on my part. I apologize to friends who I neglected during this time. I apologize to those who met me during this time and were mislead by things I did or said. Most of all, I apologize to my God for taking my eyes off of Him and not following His leading even when He was giving me clear warnings. I have made peace with that part of my life. From time to time I will come here and post things as I have in the past. Not going to follow a regular schedule or anything...just when the mood hits. :) Most of my concentration will be spent on my other blog but I will be here as well. I would be honored if you would come back to visit me. It has been a crazy year but it has been one in which I learned a lot. There are a lot of mistakes that I won't be repeating for sure!!