I have been surfing the net for some time now, years upon years trying to find relevance in the things that were posted on the net. Sometimes I come across something that means something to me and sometimes I don't. Still, it has had a profound effect on my life. I grew up in the 60's and 70's. The net just was not even thought of nor were personal computers.
Just think of what you can do now. You can look for a job online along with 8% of all Americans (myself included), shop the local supermarket circular without waiting on the newspaper to come to your door. You can buy a computer from your computer. That truly blows my mind! All of the headlines are available from web portals without the use of newsprint. So far this does not sound to good for the papers does it? We no longer need land line phones because the web has brought us VOIP communications. Watch movies, listen to music, send and receive mail, the list goes on and on.
I used to have pen pals the old fashioned way. It cost 41 cents to send a letter to European countries and 20 cents to send in the US. Things in this respect seem to have improved, but somehow they lack a certain personal touch. A feeling, if you will, that something precious has been lost. I guess the comparison is like a restaurant versus a home cooked meal. It is certainly more convenient now, and less expensive.
When I was a teenager in the late 70's, I used to hang out at the mall or at the arcade. Now I use a social networking site, and play games on the computer. I still go places, but it is hard to recapture the moments I experienced back then. I guess that is as much of recapturing youth as anything else.
However, I am open minded and willing to change with the times as best I can. We have all learned to embrace this new technology and incorporate it into our daily lives. The new stuff makes things easier than they used to be, as long as we put the heart of what we are and do into them. I guess these are just random thoughts off the top of my head.
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