Tuesday, May 5, 2009

That new car smell!

A friend of mine bought a new car recently. I could tell by the way they spoke that they were very excited and happy about it. I was happy for them as well. Nothing like that smell of a new car. I haven't had that pleasure in quite some time now. I haven't bought a new car since 1990. I buy disposable cars. You know the kind. You find someone selling their old car that is parked in their yard. I do this because I hate car payments. Now once again, this is a personal preference and I think that you should do what is right for you. However, disposable cars are right for me. In 1982 I finally gave up the car that I had when I started driving. To this day, that was my favorite car with the most precious memories. My first date, showing it off to my friends. The cruising! Lets not forget the cruising! This car had passed its prime though. It was blowing oil from the motor and it was getting difficult to maintain.

I found someone that was selling a 1971 VW Super Beetle and I had always wanted a smaller car. I bought it for about $1000, which was a pretty penny then for a car that was 11 years old. I put this notebook in it so that I could log all of my expenses in it for the car. I was going to save a fortune with a smaller car! I paid for it and drove it away. Now in my part of the country, when you make an agreement and shake hands, what you bought is your problem. Even if it dies before you get out of the driveway! It didn't exactly die right then. It did start to rain on the way home. That is when I found out that the wiper motor didn't work. Well that cost a $150 dollars. So I logged that in my book. I couldn't get the gas milage that I wanted out of this car for some reason. I then had the carburetor rebuilt. That was right at $100. One day the horn stuck on the steering wheel. That was another $35. I put a new radio in it, which is another post in itself. That was $250. CB radios used to be a big deal down here. I put one of those in. While doing the drilling for the mounts, I drilled through the gas tank. Not even going to say what that mistake cost me. This car was bleeding me dry! One day I was out with friends on a Sunday afternoon. A Porche 911 pulled up beside me at a stop light and revved its engine. I looked over and nodded and gunned it when the light turned green. I got off to a good start but was overtaken quickly. I'm in a Bug for goodness sake! That is when I heard this "Pop" from the engine compartment. The pop turned to silence as I coasted into a parking lot. I finally found someone to tow me home. I had dropped a valve. This cost me almost $400. I have had this car less than 2 months and I was about broke. I went to the used auto sales lot and bought a 1979 Ford F-150 truck with what remained of my money. You could stick a fork in this country boy! I was done! No more Bugs for this boy. I could have had the engine rebuilt in my old car for what I have spent. I did sell it for what I paid though. I would like to say that I made better decisions in the years to come. Some were, and some weren't. Those are the breaks. If any of you are ever down this way and are looking for a car, I have this "creampuff" out in the yard I will make you a good deal on. :)


  1. My first car was a 1980 Pontiac Lemans (I always called it a Pontiac Lemon). Like you I started putting money on that car almost as soon as I got it out of the driveway. I used to have to carry litres of oil around in the car with me because it went through so much. I think it was the worst vehicle I ever had. I still shake my head when I think back to buying it.

  2. Having a bad car really drives me crazy after a while. I too had to carry motor oil around with me with some of the cars I had. I would always say that I got 30 miles per gallon. My friends would say "No way!". I did though. Every 30 miles, I had to put in another gallon of oil. :)

  3. That comment was me Laura. It is a bad day when your own blog makes you comment as a guest. :) You have a great day!

  4. Ah! My first car, fond memories and empty wallets.
    I think we all fall into that trap when we are young.
    Well written as usual Khris, you probably took a few folk back to those days.

  5. Very empty wallets indeed. :) Still have a little problem with that one. Thank you as always for stopping by. I will let you know when I catch that fish. :)

  6. Hey, I remember that day!
    I miss the bug...

  7. I bet you do! You were there with me, as I recall, for most of it. Really glad to hear from you Ricky! It's been a long time.

  8. Hallo, Khris!
    :-) it is breezy morning story for me! I have a 1990 Jeep Cherokee - I love it and I hate it.
    Tanks do not afraid of dirt! (Old proverb of Soviet army)
    Best regards!

  9. Hi Ugis! To look at my cars, none of them are afraid of dirt either. :)

  10. Glad that you liked it Richard.
