Friday, April 10, 2009

The Return of Arthur

Today has been an overcast day here in NC with a band of thunderstorms moving through. I used to really love a good thunderstorm in the warm weather months. There was just something invigorating about it. Now, however, I dread these systems because it brings with it and old enemy named Arthur. Arthur Itis. Arthur and I have never really got along all that well. I would just as soon that he leave forever. He usually just brings a lot of pain in my shoulders, hands, hips and knees. He is just one of those ungrateful house guests that you can't wait to see go. He always arrives unannounced and stays for an indeterminate time. I think it will be a relatively short visit this time, but one never knows. I had not planned to post again to this blog until after Easter, but he has infuriated me so that I just had to get it off my chest! So Mr. Arthur Itis! Will you please leave this place? Be sure not to let the door hit you on the way out!


  1. Laura (from Disjointed Thoughts)April 11, 2009 at 8:31 AM

    I hope Arthur leaves you soon. I have relatives who suffer terribly from this so I can imagine what you're going through.

  2. I to hope it leaves you. No fun at Ester time being in pain. You also made me realize that soon I too with be getting those similar pains. I get them when the weather changes but the doctor says it is not Arthur itis it is bone ache. I don't know which would hurt more. Or what the difference is.

  3. Thank you. It has gotten a little better since my post. Just one of those kind of things that I'll just have to deal with from time to time.

  4. Mikes@Your Daily WordApril 12, 2009 at 8:21 AM

    May it leave soon. I'll help you pray!

    Your Daily Word

  5. In the course of years we obtain similar kind of "relatives" some more, some less. I think there's two ways: to know and learn to jog on and/or to find the way to shake them off (I even would say to f@#$ them off!).
    All the best in Easter time to you and your family!
